needle-free delivery of influenza vaccine with jet injector needle-free system from PharmaJet

Needle-free Delivery of an Influenza Vaccine

The first vaccine in the US labeled for needle-free delivery.

Recipient Preference

Caregiver Preference

Safe and Effective

Afluria® and Afluria QIV Influenza Vaccines are FDA Approved for use with the PharmaJet Stratis® Jet Injector Needle-free System

The Stratis Needle-free Injector is the first needle-free jet injector that is FDA approved for delivery of an influenza vaccine. A comprehensive clinical trial demonstrated that needle-free flu vaccine delivery with Afluria® is comparable to administration using a needle and syringe for adults aged 18-64.

Preferred by Healthcare Providers and Beneficiaries

  • 93% of patients would choose it again
  • 92% would recommend needle-free to family and friends
  • 87% of healthcare workers would like it as an option in their facility

Understanding Influenza in the United States

CDC Flu Map

See state by state Flu Surveillance prepared by the CDC.

Recommendations for the Flu Season

View a list of the CDC’s recommendations for the Flu virus, including getting your annual Flu shot.

Important Safety Information For Consumers

What is Afluria®, Influenza Vaccine?

Afluria® is an inactivated (virus is not alive) influenza vaccine used for immunization against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and B present in the vaccine.
